Halle and Gabriel: What Went Wrong?

Halle and Gabriel: What Went Wrong?: Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry's battle for custody of their 2-year-old daughter Nahla has taken a turn for the seriously nasty. With a he-said-she-said argument raging in public, it's hard to tell what the actual truth is and why this even happened! Are there any astrological explanations to all of this?
Of course! The astrological monkey wrenches that could have triggered this are likely the mix of the Gemini full Moon eclipse and Saturn retrograde in Libra. Eclipses bring glitches to negotiations and hit Halle in her hopes and dreams house and Gabriel in his daily routines house -- shaking up both for a prolonged cycle. In addition, Saturn, the discipline planet, is retrograding in partnership with the Libra sign. This adds a tense angle to Gabriel's career/family axis and to Halle's communications/high-ideals axis. In other words, we have trouble!
While these astrological aspects may have lit a fire that was already sparking, they do not signify the outcome. It seems that a clear resolution to this conflict may not arise until mid-June, when Saturn eases its grip on relationship issues and when the next series of eclipses can help flush out the next round of communications.